Songs of the Sea

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A few songs out of the large indexes
Einige Lieder aus den großen Verzeichnissen


Landlady of France - Melody
Leave Her Bullies Leave Her - Melody
Leise über sanften Wogen - Melodie
Lift him up and carry him along
Little Mohee
Lost in the roar of the wild ocean's rage
Lowlands - Melody
Lowlands Low

Maid of Amsterdam - Melody
Marcha epica de la ármada
Mobile Bay
My name was William Kidd

Nancy Lee
New York Girls
Now the Chesapeake so bold - Melody
Nun hievt den letzten Anker hoch - Melodie

O Aegir, Herr der Fluten dem Nix und Neck sich beugt
O as I walked down the Landing Stage
O come list awhile and you soon shall hear
O do my Johnny Boker
O fare you well I wish you well
O I have a ship in the North Country
O in eighteen hundred and forty-one
O me Rosie, coal black rose - Melody
O poor old Reuben Ranzo
O Rio
O Sally Brown of New York City - Melody
O Santa Anna fought for fame
O say were you ever in Rio Grande
O Shenandoah I long to hear you - Melody
O Stormy's gone that good old man
O Susanna wunderschöne Anna- Melodie
O The smartest packet ye can find - Melody
O the times are hard and the wages low
O the work was hard and the wages low - Melody
O the year was 1778 How I wish I was
O there was a lofty ship and a lofty ship was she
O Tommy's gone (to Hilo) what shall I do - Melody
O whiskey is the life of man
O, I'm going to leave her
O'er Nelson's Tomb with silent grief oppress'd
Of all the wives as e'er you know
On the Sunday morning just at the hour of ten
One More Day
One morn when the wind from the northward blew keenly
Our topsails reef'd and filled away
Over the Harbor Bar

Paddy Doyle
Paddy Get Back
Paddy Works on the Railway
Poor Joe the Marine
Pull For the Shore
Prinzen Heinrich von Preußen, zum Geburtstage Sr. Hoheit - Melodie

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