Reuben Ranzo
Rio Grande
Roll Alabama Roll - Melody
Rolling Home
Sailor's Complaint
Sally Brown - Melody
Sally, she'm the gal that I love dearly - Melody
Sang an Aegir
Santa Anna fought for fame
Saved From the Storm
Schön ist die Liebe im Hafen - Melodie
Schwer mit den Schätzen des Orients beladen
Seeräuber und Kameraden
Shallow Brown
Shenandoah I long to hear you - Melody
Sing and heave and heave and sing - Melody
Song of the Fishes
South Australia
Spanish Ladies
Stand To Your Guns my hearts of oak
Stolz weht die Flagge Schwarz-Weiß-Rot - Melodie
The Anchor's Weigh'd
The anchor is weighed and the sails they are set
The Ballad of Captain Kidd
The Banks of Newfoundland - Melody
The Banks of the Sacramento - Melody
The Bigler
The Black Ball Line
The Constitution and the Guerrière - Melody
The dames of France are fond and free
The Dead Horse - Melody
The Dreadnought
The fam'd Ship California
The Female Smuggler
The Fire Ship
The Flash Frigate
The Golden Vanity
The Invincible Armado
The Lass That Loves a Sailor
The Leaving of Liverpool - Melody - Notes
The Lifeboat Crew
The moon on the ocean was dimm'd by a ripple
The Norfolk Girls
The Plains of Mexico
The Sailor's Alphabet
The Saucy Arethusa
The Sea Is England's Glory
The Shannon and the Chesapeake - Melody
The Ship I Love
The Tight Little Island
The True English Sailor
The Whale
There were two lofty ships - Melody
There's a flash packet of fame
They call me hanging Johnny
They say old man your horse will die - Melody
Time to Leave Her - Melody
Tis advertised in Boston
To All You Ladies Now On Land
To my, Aye, and we'll furl
To Pensacola town we'll bid adieu
Tom Bowling
Tommy's gone to Hilo