Songs of the Sea

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A few songs out of the large indexes
Einige Lieder aus den großen Verzeichnissen


Einmal noch nach Bombay - Melodie
Es nahet im brausen auf hohem Meer - Melodie
Eternal Father Strong to Save - Melody

Farewell and adieu to you
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest - Melodie
Fire Down Below
Fire Maringo
From the Halls of Montezuma

General Taylor gained the day
Germania zur See - Melodie
Goodbye Fare You Well
Gorch Fock-Lied - Melodie
Grey Funnel Line

Hai Yün / Sea Rhyme
Hanging Johnny
Haul Away, Joe
Haul on the Bowline
Have you heard the news, my Johnny
Heidewitzka, Herr Kapitän
Heil dir, Germania, zur See die Ehre - Melodie
Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowline
High Barbary - Melody
Highland Laddie
Hilo Johnny Brown - Melody
Homeward Bound

I am a brisk and sprightly lad
I Am a Brisk and Sprightly Lad
I come from Salem City
I dreamed my love came in my sleep
I heard, I heard, the old man say - Melody
I neber see de like since I been born - Melody
I sing of a frigate, a frigate of fame
I was broke and out of a job in the city of London
Ick heff mol en Hamborger Veermaster sehn - Melodie
I'm the man before the mast
In Amerstdam there dwells a maid - Melody
In May fifteen hundred and eighty and eight
In Plymouth Town there lived a maid
In South Australia I was born
Indian Lass
It ofttimes has been told - Melody
It was in the year of forty four

Jack dances and sings and is always content
Jack the Guinea Pig
John Cherokee was an Indian man
John Kanaka - Melody
Johnny Boker
Johnny Come Down to Hilo - Melody

Kaiser und Admiral heimwärts und überall - Melodie
Kaisers Geburtstag auf See - Melodie
Kameraden auf See
Kaptain ich bitt' euch laßt mich fort
Kari waits for me - Melody
Kishmul's Galley
Klaas Störtebeker - Melodie
Klaus Störtebecker ist unser Herr - Melodie

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