UC Berkeley Drinking Song
Udis il clom en la vallada
Uist Tramping
Uivat venhot virran uomaa - Melody
Umbrella Man
Un Canadien Errant - Melody
Un Dia a la Vez
Un dolor dal cur mi ven
Un hombre de Hitler se marcho - Melody
Un Llop de mar - Melody
Úna Bhán - Melody
Una mattina mi sono alzato - Melody
Uncle Ned - Melody
Under the Bamboo Tree - Melody
Under the furze
Underneath the Arches - Melody
Undervejs med en knækket propel
Unfortunate Miss Bailey - Melody
Unite and unite and let us all unite
Unquiet Grave - Melody
Until the day breaks
Until the Real Thing Comes Along
Up aloft amid the rigging - Melody
Up and run awa' Hawley up and run awa'
Up jumps a crab with his crooked legs
Up on the poop deck and walking about - Melody
Up street and down street
Up the airy mountain
Up the Republic they raise their battle cry
Up to your waist in water
Upon a fine morning for soft recreation
Upp trälar uti alla stater - Melody
Uramachi Jinsei - Melody
USSR Hymn of the - Melody
Uti vår hage där växa blå bär
Uyan artik uykudan, uyan - Melody
Uz vyplouvá lod "John B" - Melody
Uznik (The Prisoner) - Melody