Fa mal i pè
Facetta nera - Melody
Fair Annie of Lochyran
Fair Ellender (Fair Eleanor) - Melody
Fair Fa' The Minstrel - Melody
Fair is the morn in flow'ry May
Fair Una - Melody
Fairytale Of New York
Fais do-do - Melody
Fantje popolj' gredo
Far away and long ago on the trail to the Alamo - Melody
Fare thee weel you dungeons dark and strong - Melody
Fare Thee Well / Ten Thousand Miles
Fare Thee Well Enniskillen - Melody
Fare thee well my lovely Dinah
Fare thee well my own true love - Melody
Fare you well my own true love
Fare You Well Sweet Donnegal
Fareweel to a' our Scottish fame
Farewell and adieu to you - Melody
Farewell but whenever you welcome the hour
Farewell Ireland
Farewell Song
Farewell To Nova Scotia - Melody
Farewell to old Ireland the land of my childhood
Farewell To Tarwathie - Melody
Farewell to the Rhondda
Farewell to Thee (Aloha Oe) - Melody
Farewell to you my own true love - Melody - Notes
Farewell to you my own true love - Melody - Notes
Father O'Flynn - Melody
Father Short came down the land
Father William
Father, dear father, come home with me now - Melody
Father's Whiskers
Faut-il nous quitter sans espoir - Melody
Fear A' Bhata (The Boatmen) - Melody
Felek - Melody
Fengyang Flower Drum Song - Melody
Fiamme Nere
Fiddle de dee
Fiddler's Green
Fiddler's Green - Traditional
Fidelidad - Melody
Fidgety Philip
Fields of Athenry - Melody
Fields O Bannockburn
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest - Melody
Figli di nessuno
Fine Old English Gentleman
Finlandia Hymn - Melody
Finnegan's Wake - Melody
Finvola the Gem of the Roe
Fire Down Below
Fire Maringo
Fireman Save My Child
Fire's Burning
Fischia il sasso
Fischia il vento urla la bufera - Melody
Five Hundred Miles - Melody
Fjärilen på Haga
Flakkees Volkslied - Melodie
Flash Jack from Gundagai - Melody
Flat River Girl
Flicka från Backafall - Melody - Notes
Flickorna i Småland
Flight of Earlls
Flik Flok
Flor de Azalea
Flor de la canela
Flor Marchita
Floral Dance
Flores negras (Pasillo) - Melody
Flour of England fruit of Spain
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton - Melody
Flower of Scotland - Melody
Flower of Sweet Strabane - Melody
Flowers of Cahirciveen - Melody
Flowers of Edinburgh - Melody
Flute tune from Felsoiregh - Melody
Fly for Canada
Fly if you see me in the street
Flying Robert
Flying with flowing sail over the summer sea
Foggy Dew - Melody
Follow Me Up To Carlow
Follow the Drinking Gourd - Melody
Fond Affection
For Derby it's true and Nottingham too
For every ill beneath the sun
For fame and for fortune I wandered the earth
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow - Melody
For it is Mary Mary plain as any name can be
For the Beauty of the Earth
For want of a nail the shoe was lost
For years and years I've been a lonely
For years we 'ad an Aspidistra in a flowerpot
Forged from the love of liberty
Formed long ago yet made today
Forty Shades of Green
Four-and-Twenty Tailors
Four Green Fields
Four Marys - Melody
Frà Martino campanaro - Melody - Notes
Frailach - Melody
Framer Michael Hayes
Francisco Alegre
Frankie and Albert
Frankie and Johnny
Frankie Blues
Fratelli d'Italia - Melody
Freeborn Man of the Traveling People
Freedom Sons
Freeman's Resolution
French Cradle-Song
Frère Jacques Frère Jacques - Melody - Notes
Frida I Vårstädningen
Friday night's dream
Friends and neighbours
Frisian National Anthem - Melody
From Derry quay we sailed away
From East to West from North to South
From the Halls of Montezuma - Melody
From the Land of Sky Blue Water - Melody
From the tables down at Mory's - Melody
From this valley they say you are going - Melody
Frosty the Snowman
Funeral Party
Funiculi Funicula - Melody