Handy dandy riddledy ro
Handy Spandy Jack-a-Dandy
Hannah Bantry
Hark Hark the dogs do bark
Has anybody seen my mouse
He lived at Dingle Bank he did
He that lies at the stock
He That Would Thrive
He thought he saw an Elephant
Hector Protector was dressed all in green
Heigho who's above
Here are the lady's knives and forks
Here goes my lord
Here is the church and here is the steeple
Here sits the Lord Mayor
Here we come gathering nuts an' may
Here We Go 'round the Mulberry Bush - Melody
Here's Finiky Hawkes
Here's Sulky Sue
Hey diddle diddle
Hey diddle diddle and hey diddle dan
Hey diddle dinketty poppety pet
Hey ding a ding what shall I sing
Hey dorolot dorolot
Hey my kitten my kitten
Hick a more Hack a more
Hickety Pickety My Black Hen
Hickory Dickory Dock
Higgledy Piggledy here we lie
Higglety pigglety pop
High diddle ding
High diddle doubt my candle's out
High up in the pine-tree
Higher than a house
Highty tighty paradighty clothed all in green
Hinx Minx the old witch winks
Hitty Pitty within the wall
Hob shoe hob
Hoddley poddley puddle and fogs
Hoddy doddy
Hogs in the garden
Hokey pokey whisky thum
Hot Cross Buns
Hours of Sleep
How doth the little crocodile
How Many Days Has My Baby to Play
How many miles is it to Babylon
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty's Recitation
Hush a ba birdie
Hush a-bye a baa-lamb
Hush a bye baby
Hush a Bye Baby on the Tree Top
Hush a bye lie still and sleep
Hush baby my doll
Hush hush hush hush
Hush my dear lie still and slumber
Hush thee my babby
Hyder iddle diddle dell