Taffy was a Welshman
Teapots and Quails
Teddy Bear
Tell Tale Tit
Ten Little Mice
Ten Little Nigger Boys
The Akond of Swat
The baker's reply to the needle pedlar
The Barber Shaved the Mason
The Bonnie Cravat
The Brave Old Duke of York
The Broom the Shovel the Poker and the Tongs
The cat sat asleep by the side of the fire
The Christening
The cock crows in the morn
The Cock Doth Crow
The cock's on the wood pile
The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo
The cuckoo is a merry bird
The cuckoo's a fine bird
The Daddy Long-Legs and the Fly
The daughter of the farrier
The Dong With a Luminous Nose
The Dormouse and the Doctor
The dove says coo coo
The Dreadful Story About Harriet and the Matches
The Duchess' Lullaby
The Duck and the Kangaroo
The fair maid who the first of May
The Fairy Folk
The fiddler and his wife
The girl in the land
The Grand Old Duke of York