Said the Duck to the Kangaroo
Said the Table to the Chair
Say say my enemy - Melody
See a pin and pick it up
See saw down in my lap
See Saw Margery Daw
See-Saw Sacradown
See see my playmate - Melody
See see what shall I see
Shepherd's clocks don't tick or chime
Shock-headed Peter
Shoe a little horse
Shoe the Colt Shoe
Shoe the horse and shoe the mare
Simple Simon
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing jigmijole the pudding bowl
Six little mice sat down to spin
Sleep Baby Sleep - Melody
Sleep Sleep Beauty Bright
Sleep Sweet Babe my cares beguiling
Slovenly Peter
Smiling girls rosy boys
Snail snail come out of your hole
Snail snail put out your horns
Sneel Snaul
Sneeze On Monday
Solomon Grundy
Song set to five toes
Speak roughly to your little boy
St. Dunstan as the story goes
Summer is i-comen in
Swan swan over the sea