Nursery Rhymes & Children's Songs

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Just a few songs out of the big index


There are lions and roaring tigers
There once was a Dormouse who lived in a bed
There Was a Crooked Man
There was a fat man of Bombay
There was a frog lived in a well - Melody
There was a girl in our towne
There was a king and he had three daughters
There was a king met a king
There Was a Jolly Miller - Melody
There was a lady all skin and bone
There was a lady loved a swine
There was a little boy and a little girl
There was a little boy went into a barn
There Was a Little Girl
There was a little green house
There was a little guinea-pig
There was a little maid and she was afraid
There was a little man and he had a little gun
There was a little man and he wooed a little maid
There was a little one-eyed gunner
There was a mad man and he had a mad wife
There Was a Man and He Had Naught
There was a man he went mad
There was a man and his name was Dob
There was a man of double deed
There was a man of Newington
There was a man of Thessaly
There was a man rode through our town
There was a man who had no eyes
There was a monkey climbed up a tree
There was a piper he'd a cow
There was a poor man of Jamaica
There Was a Rat
There was an old crow
There was an old man and he had a calf
There was an old man in a velvet coat
There was an old man of Tobago
There Was an Old Man who lived in a wood
There was an old man who lived in Middle Row
There was an old woman and nothing she had
There Was an Old Woman and What Do You Think
There Was an Old Woman as I've heard tell
There Was an Old Woman Called Nothing-At-All
There Was an Old Woman had three cows
There Was an Old Woman had three sons
There was an old woman her name it was Peg
There Was an Old Woman Lived Under a Hill
There was an old woman of Leeds
There was an old woman of Surrey
There was an old woman of Norwich
There was an old woman sold puddings and pies
There Was an Old Woman toss'd up in a basket
There Was an Old Woman who lived in a shoe
There was an old woman who lived in Dundee
There was an owl lived in an oak
There were three cooks of Colebrook
There were three jovial Welshmen
There were three sisters in a hall
There's a famous seaside place called Blackpool

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