Under the furze
Up at Piccadilly oh
Up hill and down dale
Up street and down street
Up the airy mountain
Upon Paul's steeple stands a tree
Warm hands warm
We will go to the wood says Robin to Bobbin
Wee Willie Winkie
We're all dry with drinking on't
We're all in the dumps
What are Little Boys Made of
What care I how black I be
What God never sees
What is the matter with Mary Jane
What is the rhyme for porringer
What shall I call my dear little dormouse
What's in the cupboard
What's the news of the day
When a twister a-twisting
When awful darkness and silence reign
When good King Arthur ruled this land
When I was a little boy
When I was a little boy I washed my mammy's dishes
When I was a little boy my mammy kept me in
When I was a little girl
When I was a young Maid and
When I was taken from the fair body
When I went up Sandy Hill
When Jacky's a very good boy
When shall we be married
When the sand doth feed the clay
When the wind blows
When the Wind is in the East
When V and I together meet
Whenever I walk in a London street
Where have you been all the day my Boy Billy
Where have you been today Billy my son
Which is the bow that has no arrow
Whistle daughter whistle
White bird featherless
Who comes here
Who Killed Cock Robin
Who or why or which or what
Who's that ringing at my door bell
Whose little pigs are these
Will you lend me your mare to ride a mile
Will you walk a little faster said a whiting to a snail
William and Mary George and Anne
Wine and cakes for gentlemen
Wooley Foster's gone to sea
Wynken Blynken and Nod
Yankee Doodle - Melody
You are old Father William the young man said
You've heard how young Albert Ramsbottom
Young lambs to sell
Young Roger came tapping at Dolly's window