Nursery Rhymes & Children's Songs

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Just a few songs out of the big index


I am a pretty wench
I do not like thee Doctor Fell
I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard - Melody
I had a little cow
I Had a Little Dog
I had a little hen
I had a little hobby-horse
I had a little husband
I had a little moppet
I had a little nut-tree
I had a penny
I had a little pony
I had a little wife
I have a little sister
I have four sisters beyond the sea
I lost my mare in Lincoln Lane
I Love Little Pussy
I Love Sixpence
I married my wife by the light of the moon
I need not your needles they're needless to me
I never did I never did like
I often wish I were a King
I saw a fishpond all on fire
I saw a peacock with a fiery tail
I saw a ship a-sailing
I saw three ships come sailing by
I see the moon
I think so don't you
I went into a house and it wasn't a house
I went into my grandmother's garden
I went to Noke but nobody spoke
I went to the toad that lies under the wall
I went to the wood and got it
I went up one pair of stairs
I won't be my father's Jack
I would if I could
I'll sing you a song
I'll tell my own daddy when he comes home
I'll tell thee everything I can
I'll tell you a story about Jack a Nory
I'm called by the name of a man
I'm the king of the castle
Ickle ockle blue bockle
If a man who turnips cries
If all the seas were one sea
If all the world were paper
If All the World Was Apple-pie
If buttercups buzzed after the bee - Melody
If I had a donkey that wouldn't go
If I Were King
If I'd as much money as I could tell
If ifs and ans
If many men knew what many men know
If my boy sleep quietly
If people ask me I always tell them
If Wishes Were Horses
If you are a gentleman
If you go down to the woods today
In a corner of the bedroom is a great big curtain
In a cottage in Fife
In Fir Tar Is
In marble walls as white as milk
In winter when the fields are white
Incidents in the life of my Uncle Arly
Inter mitzy titzy tool
Intery mintery cutery corn
Is John Smith Within
It's once I courted as pretty a lass

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