A Apple Pie
A B C tumble-down D
A bear however hard he tries
A Candle
A carrion crow sat on an oak
A cat came fiddling out of a barn
A cat may look at a King
A Cherry
A cow and a calf
A diller a dollar
A dog and a cat
A dog and a cock
A farmer went trotting
A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go - Melody
A gaping wide-mouthed waddling frog
A girl in the army
A house full a hole full
A little boy and a little girl
A Little Cock Sparrow
A little old man of Derby
A long tailed pig or a short tailed pig
A man in the wilderness asked me
A man of words and not of deeds
A Pair of Tongs
A Plum Pudding
A pye sat on a pear tree
A Quill Pen
A Rainbow
A riddle a riddle
A shoemaker makes shoes without leather
A Star
A sunshiny shower
A swarm of bees in May
A tailor who sailed from Quebec
A Thorn
A Walnut
A was an Archer and shot at a frog
A Well
A wise old owl lived in an oak
About the bush Willy
Aiken Drum and Willy Wood
Albert's Return (from the Lion)
Alice Where Are You Going
All of a row
An Egg
Andrew the Scholar
Anna Elise
Around the green gravel
Arthur O'Bower
As black as ink and isn't ink
As I looked out of my chamber window
As I walked by myself
As I was going along
As I was going by Charing Cross
As I was going o'er London Bridge
As I was going o'er Tipple Tine
As I was going o'er Westminster Bridge
As I was going through a garden gap
As I was going to Derby
As I Was Going To Sell My Eggs
As I was going to St Ives
As I was going up Pippen Hill
As I was going up the hill
As I was walking in a field of wheat
As I was walking o'er little Moorfields
As I went by a dyer's door
As I went over the water
As I went to Bonner
As I went up Pippin Hill
As I went up the Brandy Hill
As soft as silk
As titty mouse sat in the witty to spin
At Brill on the hill
At the siege of Belle Isle
At the Zoo
Away birds away