Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme - Melody
Pat-a-Cake Pat-a-Cake Baker's Man
Pease porridge hot
Pease pudding hot
Peg Peg With a Wooden Leg
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
Peter Piper
Peter White will ne'er go right
Philomel with melody
Pippin Hill
Pit pat well-a-day
Please to Remember the Fifth of November
Polly Put the Kettle On
Poor old Robinson Crusoe
Popp goes the weasel
Pretty John Watts
Punch and Judy fought for a pie
Purple yellow red and green
Pussicat wussicat with a white foot
Pussy Cat Mole
Pussy cat pussy-cat
Pussy cat sits beside the fire
Put your finger in Foxy's hole
Rain rain go away
Rain rain go to Spain
Red Sky in the Morning
Red within and red without
Rice Pudding
Riddle me riddle me riddle me ree
Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross
Ride away ride away
Ring the bell
Ring the bells ring
Robert Barnes fellow fine
Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round
Robin a bobbin
Robin and Richard
Robin Hood
Robin the Bobbin the big-bellied Ben
Rock-a-bye baby
Rosemary green
Roses are red
Rosy and Colin and Dun
Round about round about
Round about there sat a little hare
Round and round the garden
Rowsty dowt
Rub a dub dub three men in a tub
Rumpty iddity row row row