They that wash on Monday
They told me you had been to her
They went to sea in a Sieve they did
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace
Thirty Days Hath September
Thirty white horses upon a red hill
This is the way the ladies ride
This little pig went to market
This year next year
Thomas a Tattamus took two tees
Three Blind Mice
Three children sliding on the ice
Three Jovial Chinamen
Three Little Kittens
Three straws on a staff
Three wise men of Gotham
Three young rats with black felt hats
Thumb Bold
Thumbikin Thumbikin
Tinker Tailor
Tis a less you should heed
Tis the voice of the Lobster
Titty cum tawtay
Titty mouse
To bed to bed says Sleepy head
To make your candles last for aye
To Market to Market a gallop a trot
To Market to Market to buy a Fat Pig
To Market to Market to buy a plum cake
Tom married a wife on Sunday
Tom Thumb's Alphabet
Tom Tom the Piper's Son
Tommy Kept a Chandler's Shop
Tommy o'Lin and his wife and wife's mother
Tommy Snooks and Bessy Brooks - Melody
Tommy Trot a man of law
Trip trap over the grass
Trip upon trenchers and dance upon dishes
Try Again
Turtle Soup
Twas brillig and the slithy toves
Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee
Twelve huntsmen with horns and hounds
Twelve pears hanging high
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Melody
Twist about turn about jump Jim Crow
Two brothers we are
Two legs sat upon three legs
Two little dickey-birds
Two little dogs
Two Little Maids - Melody