Di canti di gioia di canti d'amore
Di qua' di la' del Piave
Dicey Reilly
Dick Darby the Cobbler
Dickory Dickory Dare
Dickory Dickory Dock
Did You Ever Ever Ever
Did you hear of the Widow Malone
Did you see my wife
Diddle Diddle Dumpling
Diddledy Diddledy Dumpty
Didn't He Ramble
Die Oukraalliedjie
Die sweep het geklap en die wawiele draai
Din din don
Ding Dong Bell
Dingle Bank
Dingle dingle doosey
Dingty Diddlety my mammy's maid
Dipsy Doodle
Dirty Old Town
Dirty Old Town
Dis Mornin' Dis Evenin' So Soon
Dis oui ma bonne amie
Dispiasi' d'noi autri povri alpin
Divina Patria
Dixie Land - Melody
Djîle Copiche
Do do l'enfand do
Do ye ken John Peel with his coat so gay - Melody
Do ye mind the old horse trams a long time ago
Do You Hear What I Hear - Melody
Do you love an apple
Do you love me she said when the skies were blue
Do You Want your Old Lobby Washed Down
Dockers' Strike
Doctor Faustus was a good man
Doctor Foster went to Gloster
Doen Daphne d'overschoo-ne Maegt - Melodie
Dominique - Melody
Don' Let Yo' Watch Run Down
Don't Cry in Your Sleep - Melody - Notes
Don't Dilly Dally on the Way
Don't Fence Me In - Melody
Don't Give Up the Ship
Don't kill the birds
Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea
Don't sit under the Apple Tree
Don't talk to me of London dames
Donald MacGillavry
Donald Where's Your Trousers?
Donald's gane up the hill hard and hungry
Doney Gal
Donkey Riding
Donna E' Mobile (Woman is Fickle)
Donnelly and Cooper
Doodle doodle doo
Doran's Ass
Dorkins' Night
Dormi bambino - Melody
Dos palomitas
Dos Puntas
Douce France
Douce nuit, sainte nuit - Melodie
Dove il Serchio sfocia al mar
Dove sei stato mio bell'Alpino?
Dowie Dens of Yarrow
Down at the old Bull and Bush
Down beside the castle walls
Down by the Liffeyside
Down by the Old Mill Stream
Down By the Salley Gardens - Melody
Down by the sea red roses are blooming - Melody
Down by the Tanyard Side
Down Deeside cam' Inverey
Down Down Derry Down
Down in a Coal Mine
Down in front of casey's old brown wooden stoop
Down in the Valley - Melody
Down on de Mississippi floating
Down Vauxhall way
Down Went McGinty
Down Where the Bees Are Hummin'
Dream of Love (Liebestraum)
Drie Chinezen met een contrabas
Drill Ye Tarriers
Drink to her who long
Drink to me only with thine eyes - Melody
Drivin' Steel
Driving Saw-logs on the Plover
Drömmen om Elin
Dros y Gareg - Melody
Drummer Boy of Waterloo
Du gamla Du fria Du fjällhöga nord
Du skal få en dag i mårå
Dublin in the Rare old Times
Dublin Jack of All Trades
Dublin Lady
Duce a noi
Duchess of Manchester - Melody
Duke of Athol's Nurse
Dumbarton's Drums - Melody
Duncan Davidson - Melody
Duncan Davison - Melody
Dve Gitari / Two Guitars - Melody
Dzieje Stienki Razina - Melody
Dzisiaj w Betlejem Today in Bethlehem