The O
The Oak and the Ash - Melody
The Old Arm Chair
The old coat that is on my back
The Old Country
The Old Farm Gate
The Old Gray Mare - Melody
The old home town looks so same - Melody
The Old Main Drag
The Old Oaken Bucket - Melody
The Old Rustic Bridge By the Mill
The Old School House
The Old Sexton
The One-Eyed Riley
The Orphan Girl
The Ould Triangle
The Overlander - Melody
The Owl and the Pussy cat
The pale moon was rising above yon green mountain - Melody
The Parson's Son
The Parting Glass
The Patriot Game
The Peeler and the Goat
The Pelican Chorus
The Pines
The Piper of Dundee - Melody
The Piper's Lass - Melody
The Piper's Tunes
The Plains of Mexico
The Poor Working Girl
The Pobble who has no toes
The policeman walked out O so proud on his beat
The Portsmouth Hornpipe - Melody
The Preacher and tbe Slave
The Pretty Maid Milking The Cow - Melody
The Pride of the Coombe
The Prisoner's Song - Melody
The Private Still
The Proletariat
The Pudding-String
The Quaker's Wooing
The Quangle Wangle's Hat
The Queen of Connemara
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen's Own Regiment was their name
The Queensland Drover - Melody
The Quilting Party (I Was Seeing Nellie Home)
The Rabbit Trappers Song - Melody
The Railroad Cars Are Coming
The Rainbow and the Cuckoo
The Rakes of Mallow - Melody
The Rakes of Poverty
The Rakes Of Westmeath - Melody
The Rapparee
The Rare Oul' Times
The Reason I Left Mullingar
The Red Flag
The Red River Valley - Melody
The Reel o' Stumpie
The Reflections of a Penny
The regular army O
The Rejected Maiden - Melody
The Reluctant Patriot - Melody
The Rhyme of the Remittance Man
The Riddle - Melody
The Rigs o' Rye
The Road and the Miles to Dundee
The Road to Gundagai
The Road to the Isles - Melody
The Rocky Road to Dublin - Melody
The Rose is Red
The Rose of Allendale
The Rose of Mooncoin
The Rose of Tralee - Melody
The Rose of Tralee - Melody
The Roving Gambler
The Royal Blackbird
The Sailor's Alphabet
The Saucy Arethusa
The Scots March - Melody
The Scottish Soldier - Melody
The Scranky Black Farmer
The Sea Around Us
The Sea Is England's Glory
The sea was bright and the bark rode well
The Sergeant He Is the Worst of All
The Sergeant's Lamentation
The Shannon and the Chesapeake - Melody
The Shanty-Man's Life
The Shepherd and His Wife
The Ship I Love
The Ship on Fire - Melody
The Ship That Never Returned - Melody
The Ship's Carpenter - Melody
The Shooting of Dan McGrew
The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn
The Sidewalks Of New York
The Siegfried Line
The Silk Merchant's Daughter - Melody
The Silver Moon
The Sinking Of the Muirchu
The Sky's the limit
The Sleeping Scotsman
The Snipers Promise