Anderer Länder Folksongs of various Countries

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Ar an lá seo in Ean&aacuteir ag cuimhneadh ar Burns
Ar Ben Waun Tredegar - Melody
Ar Hyd y Nos - Melody
Ar lan y môr - Melody
Ar re unaned - Melody
Aran's Lonely Home
Are Ye Right There Michael - Melody
Are Ye Sleepin' Maggie
Are you going to Scarborough Fair - Melody
Are You Sleeping - Melody
Arirang - Melody
Arise ye workers from your slumbers - Melody
Arise you prisoners of starvation - Melody
Arkansas Traveler - Melody
Armastusel kummalised teed
Armastusest olen tüdin'd
Armsad sõbrad, tõstkem kannud
Armsad sôbrad, vôtkem kuulda
Army Goes Rolling Along - Melody
Around Cape Horn we've got to go
Around Her Neck She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - Melody
Around the green gravel
Arriba parias de la tierra - Melody
Arthur McBride
Arthur O'Bower
As Bansha peelers were one night
As down the glen came McAlpine's men
As I Await My Love - Melody
As I cam' in by Dunidier - Melody
As I cam' in by Monymusk
As I cam' in by Turra market
As I came down yon water side
As I came in by Achindoon
As I came in by Fiddich-side
As I came in by Fisherrow
As I came o'er the Cairney Mount - Melody
As I came thro' Sandgate - Melody
As I gaed in by yon greenwood
As I rode down to Galway town
As I rode out one evening fair
As I rov'd out one ev'ning fair
As I rov'd thro' the town
As I roved out on a bright May morning
As I roved out on a summer's morning
As I roved out one morning
As I roved out through Galway town
As I sat on a sunny bank
As I sat at my spinning wheel - Melody
As I stray'd o'er the common on Cork's rugged border
As I strolled out one evening
As I walk along the Bois Boulong
As I walked by myself
As I walked down by the riverside
As I walked down the Broadway
As I walked forth one Summers day
As I walked home on a Summer night
As I Walked Out in the Streets of Laredo - Melody
As I walked out on a bright May morn
As I walked out on an evening so clear
As I walked through Bristol City
As I was a-goin' over Gilgarra Mountain - Melody
As I was a-walkin' upon a fine day
As I was a-walking one morning in May - Melody
As I was a-walking down by the Locke Hospital
As I was going by Charing Cross
As I was going o'er London Bridge
As I was going o'er Westminster Bridge
As I was going through a garden gap
As I was going to Derby
As I Was Going To Sell My Eggs
As I was going to St Ives
As I was going up the hill
As I was lumb'ring down de street - Melody
As I was sittin' by the fire atin' spuds
As I Was Walkin' Down Wexford Street
As I was walking down the road
As I went a walking one evening so rare
As I went a walking one morning in May
As I went a-walking in the North country
As I went by a dyer's door
As I went down to Dublin city
As I went home on Monday night
As I went out one May morning
As I went out one morning
As I went out walking one morning in June
As I went to Bonner
As I went up Pippin Hill
As I went up the Brandy Hill
As mists of the evening creep over the hill - Melody
As once I roved out very early
As titty mouse sat in the witty to spin
As we gather in the chapel
Ash Grove - Melody
Así es mi Granada
Asleep in the Deep - Melody
At a cottage door one winters' night
At Boulavogue as the sun was setting - Melody
At Brill on the hill
At dawn of day the white land lay
At early morn I once had been
At Easter time 1916
At Orenmore in the County Galway
At the age of nineteen I was ploughin' the land
At the docks there is a strike
At the Eight Mile Bridge in the county Down
At the foot of Newry mountain
At the siege of Belle Isle
At the tap o' the Garioch in the lands o' Leith-hall
At the Zoo
At twenty-one I first begun
Atholl Highlanders' Farewell to Loch Katrine - Melody
Au bord de la forêt - Melodie
Au clair de la lune - Melody
Au Faubourg de Tournai
Au joli bois je m'em vais
Au trente et un du mois d'août
Aufer me ad arenam - Melody
Augathella Station - Melody
Auld Lang Syne - Melody
Auprès de ma blonde - Melody
Aura Lee - Melody
Automne - Melody
Autumn comes
Avanti Brigata Internazionale - Melody
Avanti gloriose schiere
Ave Lepontica
Ave Maria (Bach Gounod) - Melody
Ave Maria (Schubert) - Melody
Aveva Gl' Occhi Neri
Awake thee my Bessy the morning is fair
Away birds away
Away haul away O haul away together
Away Rio
Away ye gay landscapes ye gardens of roses - Melody
Ay Ay Ay
Ay Jalisco no te rajes - Melody
Ay Soledad

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