Abdulla Bulbul Ameer - Melody
Abie My Boy
About four years ago I was digging the land
About the bush Willy
Ach! Under the green pine
Achinu Jaacov, Achinu Jaacov - Melody
Acres of Clams - Melody
Across the Western Ocean - Melody
Addio del Volontario
Addio la caserma
Addio mia bella addio
Addio mia bella addio
Addio mia piccola
Addio mia piccola
Adelita - Melody
Adesso viene il bello
Adieu my fair young maidens
Admiral Benbow - Melody
Adnaswutschno gremit kalakóltschik The Little Bell - Melody
Adoro - Melody
Africa nostra
Afrikaners is plesierig
After All These Years
After the Ball Is Over - Melody
Afton Water - Melody
Aftontankar vid Fridas ruta
Agua del pozo
Ah franka franka - Melody
Ah it's likely gone six months ago
Ah que nos pères étaient heureux
Ah si mon moine voulait danser - Melody
Ah sweet Kitty Neil rise up from that wheel
Ah Sweet Mystery of Life - Melody
Ah then ma'am dear did you never hear
Ah ty step' shirokaya - Melody
Ah wot a moighty wicked place
Ai Lombardi
Ai morti per la patria
Aiken Drum and Willy Wood
Aileen Aroon - Melody
Ain' Go'n' to Study War No Mo'
Ain't Gonna Rain
Ain't It Grand To Be Bloomin'Well Dead
Ain't Misbehavin'
Ain't She Sweet
Ain't That a Grand And Glorious Feeling
Air Force Girl
Aires Vascos
Airmen's Prayer - Melody
Ajoen Ajoen
Akh Pod sosnoyu pod zyelyenoyu
Al cjante il gial
Al Clarear
Al clarear yo me iré
Al comando dei nostri ufficiali
Al lê die berge nog so blou
Al uwe boos' aenslagen
Al vento le bandiere
Alabama John Cherokee
Alabama Jubilee - Melody
Alabama Lullaby
Alas my love you do me wrong - Melody
Alati olen mina lustilik, lustilik
Albert's Return (from the Lion)
Aldrig en Iris
Alekoki - Melody
Alexander - Melody
Alexander's Ragtime Band - Melody
Alfonsina y el mar
Algamas pidu - Melody
Algo contigo
Ali esta o Senhor Padilha - Melody
Alice B.
Alice Where Are You Going
Alice Where Art Thou
Ālika - Melody