2143 Frank's Genealogy
926 Holiday Info / Ferien Info
799 Stille Nacht / Silent night
794 In a Lowly Manger Born / Mabune
758 Kommet ihr Hirten
754 Ich steh an deiner Krippe hier
703 Die Fahne hoch
631 Danny Boy
582 Currency Rates/Geldwechsel
449 Corrido de la Muerte de Pancho Villa
441 Blödsinn / Balderdash
441 Amazing Grace
427 Lied der Deutschen
376 Guantanamera
310 Lili Marlen'
276 A Mighty Fortress is Our God/Ein feste Burg
262 Hit Parade (this Page/diese Seite)
257 Das Panzerlied
250 Londonderry Air
249 Nearer my God to thee
244 Song Search / Graffiti
233 Battle Hymn of the Republic
230 America the Beautiful
229 La Cucaracha
220 Corrido de la Muerte de Emiliano Zapata
220 America Medley
218 Kilgarry Mountain/Whiskey in the Jar
216 Cookies are NOT good for you
215 Star Spangled Banner
206 Cockles and Mussels
199 British Grenadiers
194 1944
193 Loch Lomond
178 Besame Mucho
177 Black Velvet Band
176 The Night of the King's Castration
172 Red River Valley
171 Annie Laurie
168 Yellow Rose of Texas
167 Loreley
166 Garota de Ipanema
164 To Anacreon in Heav'n
164 The Irish Rover
161 Scotland the Brave
161 Hen Wlad fy Nhadau / Welsh Anthem
160 Freude schöner Götterfunken
156 Las Mañanitas
156 Blow the Man Down
156 Auld Lang Syne
153 God Save Our King/Queen
153 DDR Nationalhymne
152 People who have helped
150 Men of Harlech
149 Hans Breitmann
149 ABC Die Katz im Schnee
148 Ein Schifflein sah ich fahren
144 Wild Rover
143 Walzing Mathilda
143 Making Wine the easy way
143 Flower O'Scotland
143 15 Men on a deadman's chest
140 Surprise of the week
139 Yankee Doodle
139 Kevin Barry
138 It's a Long Way to Tipperrary
138 Finnegan's Wake
138 Clementine
137 Ach du lieber Augustin
136 Frank's Fumbling / Fummelei
136 Cielito Lindo
135 Erika
134 Wacht am Rhein
131 Suo Gan
128 Rule Britannia
128 Greensleeves
127 Schwarz ist unser Panzer
126 Haidschi Bumbaidschi
125 Happy Wanderer
125 A Nation Once Again!
124 Blue Bells of Scotland
122 Gaudeamus igitur
122 Garryowen
121 Land der ewigen Gedanken
121 Comin through the Rye
120 When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again
120 Alte Kameraden auf dem Marsch
119 Las Mañanitas Del Rey David
118 Skye Boat Song
118 Las Colombianas
117 Road to the Isles
117 Alldeutschlands Flagge
117 All Through the Night / In stiller Nacht
115 Cookies
115 Auf Kreta
113 Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
113 A lady fair in a garden walkin'
112 The Rose of Tralee
111 Will Ye No Come Back Again?
110 O, I wish I was in the land of cotton
110 Brennan on the Moor
109 The Bastard King of England
109 His Eye is on the Sparrow
109 Green Green Grass of Home
109 Auf der Reeperbahn
108 Ave Maria
108 An Irishman's Epistle
107 Alexander's Ragtime Band
103 Ich hatt' einen Kameraden
102 Those Were the Days
102 The Croppy Boy
102 Santa Lucia
102 Nationalhymne Österreich
101 One summer evening drunk to hell
101 God Bless America
101 Eternal Father Strong to Save
101 Carrickfergus
100 How Great Thou Art
100 Heckerlieder
99 The Ash Grove
99 Sturmstaffel Marschlied
99 Das Hecker-Lied/Dreiunddreißig Jahre
99 Bard of Armagh
98 Perfidia
98 My Mistress' Cunny
98 Mäckie Messer
98 Barbara Allan
96 Swing Low Sweet Chariot
96 Edelweiß
95 Wind That Shakes the Barley / Corn
95 O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
95 Barrett's Privateers
94 Kampflied der SA
93 The Little Saucepan / Sospan Vach
93 La Llorona
93 Amapola
92 Oh, my name is Jock Stewart
92 Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König
92 Erlkönig
91 Zu Mantua in Banden
91 Friedrich Hecker
91 Frere Jaques et al
91 An der schönen blauen Donau
90 Sabor a mi
90 Paul Buttle on Florida
90 Nun danket alle Gott
90 Boys of Kilkenny
89 What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor
89 A Man's A Man For A' That
89 A Frog He Would A Wooing Go
88 La Paloma blanca
88 Friedrich Silcher
88 Das Kufsteiner Lied
88 Coulter's Candy
88 All Around my Hat
88 Adelita
87 When the Saints Go Marching In
87 The Queen's Own Regiment was their name
87 Globe Trotting Nelly Bly
86 The Minstrel Boy
86 Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home
86 Alle Vögel sind schon da
85 La Paloma
85 Bayernhymne
85 And did those feet in ancient time
85 Alfonsina y el Mar
84 In's Feld, in's Feld, mit Hecker
84 Hitler has only got one ball
84 Die oiden Rittersleit
84 Als die Römer frech geworden
83 Halleluia Chorus
83 Donald, Where's Your Trousers
82 The Foggy Dew
82 Mairi's Wedding - Lewes Wedding Song
82 Am Brunnen vor dem Tore
81 Mejico Lindo
81 In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus
81 Das Fallschirmjägerlied
81 Úna bhán
80 We Shall Overcome
80 Niedersachsenlied
78 You're in the Army Now
78 The Wild Mountain Thyme
78 Krambambuli
78 Heart of Oak
78 Ballad of Glencoe
77 The Green Hills Of Tyrol
77 Land of Hope and Glory
77 Doran's Ass
77 Arthur McBride
77 Abenstille überall
76 Nova Scotia Farewell
76 Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus
76 La Paloma
76 Cotton Fields Back Home
76 And who are you, me pretty fair maid
76 Óró sé do Bheatha Abhaile
75 John Brown's body
75 Das Engelandlied
75 Aura Lea
75 Alle Jahre wieder
75 Adé zur guten Nacht
75 A Drop of Brandy-O / The Landlady of France
74 Torrevieja
74 Sierra Madre
74 Shenandoah
74 Scots Wha' Hae
74 Fire Maringo
74 Bonnie Dundee
74 Badnerlied
73 Y Viva Espaņa
73 The Leaving of Liverpool
73 Charley on the MTA
72 Eileen Aroon
72 Drömmen om Elin
72 De colores
72 Ansiedad
72 Annemarie
72 Abendfrieden