The Top International Choices for June 98

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Oct. - Nov. - Dec. 1997 - Jan. 1998 - Feb. - Mar. - Apr. - May

2226 - Frank's Ancestors
858 - Currency exchange / Geldwechsel
755 - A few Links
708 - Die Fahne hoch
605 - Ferienaufenthalt
537 - Stille Nacht / Silent Night
536 - Mabune / In a Lowly Manger Born
527 - Pacific Holiday
525 - 150 midi links
440 - Kommet ihr Hirten
437 - Ich steh an deiner Krippe hier
427 - Deutschland über alles
405 - Blödsinn/Balderdash
403 - God Save the King
378 - Amazing Grace
308 - Lili Marlen'
307 - DDR Hymne
282 - The Night of the King's Castration
276 - Land of Hope and Glory
271 - O Canada
268 - Loch Lomond
266 - Contributors/Wer geholfen hat
257 - Das Panzerlied
256 - America the Beautiful
256 - God Bless America
255 - Guantanamera
250 - Blow the Man Down
248 - Ay, Soledad
248 - Scotland the Brave
244 - Hit Parade - This File
236 - Danny Boy
236 - Auld Lang Syne
224 - Yankee Doodle
219 - It's a Long Way to Tipperary
218 - Flower O'Scotland
213 - America Medley
213 - The Battle of Harlaw
209 - Besame Mucho
206 - Clementine
203 - Frank's Fumblings/Fummeleien
202 - 1944
201 - British Grenadiers
188 - How to make wine
188 - Rule Britannia
183 - Walzing Mathilda
182 - La Cucaracha
180 - Gilgarra Mountain
180 - Molly Malone
180 - Battle Hymn of the Republic
177 - Land der ewigen Gedanken
169 - Welsh National Anthem
169 - Yellow Rose of Texas
167 - Las Mañanitas Del Rey David
167 - Londonderry Air
166 - Gaudeamus igitur
165 - Cielito Lindo
163 - Greensleeves
162 - Erika
159 - Loreley
158 - Auf Kreta
158 - And did those feet in ancient time
157 - Wacht am Rhein
156 - The Star Spangled Banner
155 - Haidschi bumbaidschi
155 - Scarborough Fair
154 - Red River Valley
154 - Road to the Isles
154 - Surprise of the week
152 - Blue Bells of Scotland
151 - Girl from Ipanema
151 - Las Mananitas
149 - The Minstrel Boy
144 - Scots Wha' Hae
143 - The Irish Rover
143 - Nearer My God to Thee
142 - Hans Breitmann
141 - The Ash Grove - Llwyn Onn
139 - Who helped / Wer geholfen hat
139 - A Might Fortress is out God
138 - Black Velvet Band
138 - How Great Thou Art
135 - Ave Maria Schubert
134 - Finnegan's Wake
134 - Ave Maria Bach
133 - My Mistress' Cunny
133 - The Wild Mountain Thyme
132 - L'Internationale
130 - Men of Harlech
130 - All through the night
128 - Annie Laurie
126 - An der schönen blauen Donau
126 - Dixie Land
125 - Heckerlieder
124 - Skye Boat Song
123 - Carrickfergus
122 - Vogelhochzeit
122 - White Cliffs of Dover
121 - In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus
121 - Heil dir, Germania
118 - The Foggy Dew
118 - Torrevieja
117 - Scottish Soldier
117 - Wild Rover
117 - Ave Maria Latin
116 - Paul Buttle on Florida
116 - Ich hatt einen Kameraden
116 - Ballad of Glencoe
113 - Auf der Reeperbahn
113 - Alexanders Ragtime Band
112 - Alte Kameraden auf dem Marsch
112 - A Nation Once Again
111 - You're in the Army Now
110 - Donald, Where's Your Trousers
110 - Green green grass of home
109 - Santa Lucia
108 - Freude schöner Götterfunken
108 - Those were the days
107 - Ach du lieber Augustin
105 - When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again
105 - The Rocky Road to Dublin
105 - The Story of MacPherson's Lament
105 - An Irishman's Epistle
105 - Will Ye No Come Back Again
105 - Hino à Bandeira
105 - I will follow him
104 - Perfidia
104 - Blow Away the Morning Dew
104 - Coulter's Candy
103 - A Pair of Brown Eyes
102 - Das Engelandlied
102 - Kevin Barry
101 - Schwarz ist unser Panzer
101 - A Lady Fair
100 - A Frog He Would A Wooing Go
100 - Corrido de la Muerte de Emiliano Zapata
100 - Alouette, gentille Alouette
99 - Kampflied der SA
98 - A B C, die Katze lief in'n Schnee
98 - All Around my Hat
97 - Hans Breitmann - The Picnic
97 - The Little Saucepan / Sospan Vach
97 - Drink to me only with thine eyes
97 - Las Colombianas
96 - Comin' Through the Rye
96 - Bill Baley
95 - Suo gan
95 - A Man You Don't Meet Every Day
95 - Mejico lindo
95 - A Man's A Man For A' That
95 - God Save the Czar
94 - Rübezahl Legenden
94 - Muß i' denn zum Städtele hinaus
94 - Mo Ghile Mear
94 - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
94 - Swing low sweet chariot
94 - My Country, 'Tis of Thee
93 - Erlkönig
93 - Niedersachsenlied
93 - Das Kufsteiner Lied
93 - Die Gedanken sind frei
93 - Bonnie Dundee
93 - Samborombon
93 - Óró sé do Bheatha Abhaile
93 - Barbara Allen
93 - Lochnagar
92 - Brennan on the Moor
92 - Bonnie Lass of Fyfie
92 - The Rose of Tralee
92 - His eye is on the sparrow
91 - Frère Jaques & 5 brothers
91 - Fields O Bannockburn
91 - Nobody knows the trouble I seen
90 - Mairi's Wedding
89 - Die oiden Rittersleit
89 - Nova Scotia Farewell
89 - Garryowen
89 - Basura
89 - The Dark Isle
89 - The old rugged cross
89 - Abide with me
88 - Cailin mo rùin-sa
88 - The cotton fields back home
87 - Mäckie Messer
87 - Am Brunnen vor dem Tore
87 - Chì Mi Na Mórbheanna
87 - The Flowers of the Forest
87 - Ar lan y môr
86 - Edelweiß
86 - Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust
86 - Bard of Armagh
86 - Arthur McBride
85 - One Hundred Pipers
85 - Sabor a mi
85 - The Big Rock Candy Mountain
85 - Red, Red Rose
85 - The Hieland Laddie
84 - Ye Banks and Braes or Bonnie Doon
83 - Wind That Shakes the Barley / Corn
82 - Der fröhliche Wanderer / The Happy Wanderer
82 - Boys of Kilkenny
81 - Bayernhymne
81 - Eileen Aroon
81 - What'll we do with a drunken sailor
81 - Eriskay Love Lilt / Gradh Geal Mo Chridh
81 - Rowan Tree
81 - Lament For Owen Roe O'Neill
81 - And who are you, me pretty fair maid
80 - A, a, a, der Winter der ist da
80 - Killiecrankie
80 - The Queen's Own Regiment was their name
80 - Dafydd y Garreg Wen
79 - Corrido De La Muerte de Pancho Villa
79 - Shenandoah

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