Views Title - Average Time Viewed
4,903 - Frank's ancestors - 1:36
3,633 - Lieder Leader Site Search / Text Suche - 1:52
2,684 - 150 International Music Links - 5:31
2,006 - Die Fahne hoch / Horst Wessel Lied - 2:38
1,664 - Lili Marleen - 3:58
1,633 - Feriensachen - 1:02
1,537 - Sheet music, Partituren, Songbooks, Liederbücher - 3:45
1,253 - A few links/Ein paar Verweise - 3:12
1,222 - Amazing Grace how sweet the sound / O Miorbhail gràis! - 2:47
1,184 - Pacific Holiday Stuff - 1:12
1,150 - Lili Marleen, the story/die Geschichte - 3:13
1,131 - Das Lied der Deutschen / Deutschland über alles - 2:47
1,124 - Currency exchange rates / Wechselkurs - 3:37
1,119 - The Star-Spangled Banner / O say can you see - 2:13
1,119 - Come by here, oh Lord / Kum ba yah / Kumbaya - 2:34
1,096 - Should auld acquaintance be forgot / Auld Lang Syne - 1:47
959 - Ob's stürmt oder schneit / Panzerlied / Luiskalied - 2:19
924 - Deutschland erwache / Heil Hitler Dir - 1:37
897 - Blödsinn und Weisheit, Profound Balderdash - 1:45
896 - Contribution / Beträge - 1:36
860 - Ave Maria Maiden mild oh listen to a maiden's prayer - 1:36
854 - Auferstanden aus Ruinen / Nationalhymne der DDR - 2:14
823 - Ay, Soledad / Iban muchachos desnudos - 1:32
822 - Ave Maria - 1:25
807 - Heiß über Afrikas Boden / Über die Scheldte die Maas und den Rhein - 2:24
803 - God save the Queen / God save the King - 3:18
781 - America, the Beautiful / Battle Hymn of the Republic - 1:15
743 - International White Pages Pagina blanca weiße Seiten - 2:36
693 - The Top 200 International Choices for the month - 1:59
688 - Ave Maria gratia plena - 1:49
681 - They call me hanging Johnny / Hanging Johnny - 4:44
646 - Am 6. Juli um Mitternacht / 1944 - 1:30
629 - O Canada! Canadian National Anthem - 2:31
621 - Lied der Hitlerjugend / Hört ihr die Trommel schlagen - 2:00
614 - O Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling - 2:07
605 - Oh my darling Clementine / In a cavern, in a canyon - 3:32
578 - Alte Kameraden auf dem Marsch / Alte Kameraden auf dem Kriegspfad - 2:03
548 - Gaudeamus igitur / Brüder laßt uns lustig sein / Riemuitkaamme - 3:07
515 - Die Lorelei / Die Loreley / Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten - 3:50
514 - Find CDs finden - 1:04
491 - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - 2:58
487 - Alexander's Ragtime Band / Come on and hear - 1:41
487 - Waltzing Matilda / Once a jolly swagman sat beside the billabong - 2:27
478 - Der Abenteurer / Ich lebte einst im deutschen Vaterlande - 2:28
477 - Alas, my love, you do me wrong / Greensleeves / ?la pískem, tváre zárící - 1:36
477 - There's a yellow rose of Texas / The Yellow Rose of Texas - 2:40
471 - Daisy Daisy give me your answer do / A Bicycle Made For Two - 1:33
468 - Hans Breitman - 1:51
466 - Biene Maja / In einem unbekannten Land - 2:13
459 - Dem Dry Bones - 2:09
456 - America, the Beautiful - 1:26
456 - It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 2:34
450 - Die Wacht am Rhein / Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall - 2:47
448 - Nessun Dorma / Turandot / No one's sleeping - 2:59
447 - By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes / Banks o' Loch Lomond - 2:17
445 - Frank's Fumblings / Fummeleien - 1:19
432 - Hark when the night is falling / Scotland the Brave - 2:25
430 - Gilgarra Mountain / As I was a-goin' over Gilgarra Mountain - 1:21
430 - Jerusalem / And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time - 1:13
429 - Those were the days my friend / Once upon a time there was a tavern - 2:41
426 - Dichter und Komponisten / Poets and Composers - 1:05
422 - La Cucaracha - 2:23
421 - Bésame mucho - 2:32
420 - Frère Jaques / Bruder Jakob / Are you sleeping Brother John / - 1:11
419 - Just a closer walk with Thee - 2:45
413 - Battle Hymn of the Republic / Mine eyes have seen the glory of - 2:44
410 - Ich hatt' einen Kameraden - 2:52
408 - Molly Malone / In Dublin's fair city - 2:18
408 - House of the Rising Sun / There is a House in New Orleans - 1:51
407 - Take My Hand Precious Lord Take My Hand - 2:54
402 - Ghost Riders in the Sky / An old cowpoke went riding out - 1:53
401 - His Eye Is On the Sparrow - 2:50
391 - Giovinezza / In dem Kampfe um die Heimat / Faschistenmarsch - 1:29
388 - The Green, Green Grass of Home / The old home town looks so same - 2:20
388 - Rule Britannia - 2:43
382 - Surprise of the week - 0:45
380 - Zu viele Schüttelreime / Es klapperten die Klapperschlangen - 1:59
372 - How Great Thou art / O store Gud / Wie groß bist du - 3:21
371 - Sleep my child and peace attend thee / All Through the Night / Ar hyd y nos / I - 1:57
369 - Das Engelandlied / Heute wollen wir ein Liedchen singen / Heute wollen wir ein L - 2:25
365 - A B C, die Katze lief im Schnee - 1:33
362 - A Frog He Would A Wooing Go - 1:19
361 - Ach du lieber Augustin / O du lieber Augustin / The more we get together - 1:59
358 - Haidschi bumbaidschi / Heitschi bombeitschi - 1:50
356 - Alouette, gentille Alouette - 0:45
355 - Ain't Misbehavin' - 0:54
353 - Alldeutschlands Flagge / Heil dir, Germania, zur See die Ehre - 1:34
352 - The Ash Grove / - 1:26
349 - Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht / Silent Night, Holy Night / Sancta nox, placida nox - 1:52
346 - Cielito Lindo - 2:07
345 - Legenden vom Rübezahl - 1:42
345 - Santa Lucia / Sul mare luccica / Schön glänzt das Mondenlicht - 1:59
339 - L'Internationale / C'est la lutte finale / Debout! I'âme du prolétaire / Wacht a - 2:48
336 - Am Brunnen vor dem Tore / Tilia - 1:52
336 - O Flower of Scotland / Flower O'Scotland - 2:04
335 - A Nation once again! / When boyhood's fire was in my blood - 1:04
333 - Would God I were the tender apple blossom / Londonderry Air - 1:55
330 - Hey Pippi Langstrumpf - 2:29
329 - Alle Jahre wieder / Aus dem Himmel ferne - 0:53
325 - Heute wollen wir marschieren / O du schöner Westerwald - 1:17
324 - Kampflied der SA / Als die goldne Abendsonne - 1:35
323 - Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann / The Happy Wanderer - 3:10
323 - Corrido De La Muerte de Pancho Villa - 1:45
319 - Aloha O`e / Farewell to Thee / Aloha oe - 1:22
318 - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square - 1:03
318 - Max Welton's braes (hills) are bonnie / Annie Laurie - 1:05
317 - La Paloma - 2:10
317 - O sole mio - 2:20
317 - Abdulla Bulbul Ameer / The sons of the prophet were hardy and bold - 1:00
316 - Fields of Athenry / By a lonely prison wall - 2:40
315 - News Rover: Download demonstration version - 1:34
315 - Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn anwyl i mi / Welsh National Anthem - 2:07
315 - Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - 2:16
313 - I've been a wild rover for many a year / Wild Rover - 2:49
311 - Ob ich dich liebe? Frage die Sterne - 3:32
310 - À la claire fontaine - 0:48
310 - O I wish I was in the land of cotton / Dixie Land - 2:28
309 - La Guantanamera - 1:39
309 - One Summer Evening drunk to hell / A Pair of Brown Eyes - 0:58
309 - To Anacreon in Heav'n / To Anacreon in Heaven - 1:40
308 - The Queen's Own Regiment / A Fenian Song - 0:57
307 - A Mighty Fortress is Our God - 1:58
304 - How to make wine in no time, the cheap way - 2:03
304 - A a a der Winter der ist da - 1:29
303 - By my faith but I think ye're all makers of bulls / An Irishman's Epistle - 1:04
301 - Luiska-Lied / Wohl über den Klippen - 1:51
299 - Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum / Fünfzehn Mann a - 1:38
299 - Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel - 2:53
298 - There was an old nigger and his name was Uncle Ned - 1:23
297 - Das Hakenkreuzlied / Das Hakenkreuz im weißen Feld / La Svástica en campo blanc - 1:43
296 - What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor / Ebrio quid faciamus nauta - 1:50
293 - Auf der Heide blüht ein Blümelein, Erika - 1:52
292 - Doney Gal / A cowboy's life is a weary thing - 0:56
289 - Adelita - 0:50
289 - Au clair de la lune - 0:40
288 - And The Band Played On / Casey would waltz with a strawberry blonde - 0:43
288 - Hymn of the USSR / Soyuz nyerushimiy ryespublik svobodnykh / Nõukogude Sotsialis - 1:58
287 - The Keach i' the Creel / A fair young Maid went up the street - 0:54
287 - After the Ball Is Over - 1:29
285 - Nationalhymne Österreich / Land der Berge, Land am Strome - 2:03
285 - Men of Harlech, in the hollow - 2:24
285 - All my trials / If religion was a thing that money could buy - 0:42
285 - Airmen's Prayer / Pilot divine and Lord of all on high - 0:50
284 - All? The Ballads of Hans Breitmann - 0:46
284 - The British Grenadiers - 1:51
282 - When the Saints Go Marching In - 2:30
281 - Land of Hope and Glory - 1:42
280 - A North Country maid up to London had strayed / The Oak and the Ash - 0:35
280 - The Blue Bells of Scotland / Ho Ro My Nut Brown Maiden - 2:17
279 - Is there, for honest poverty / A Man's A Man For A'That - 1:08
278 - SA marschiert / Durch deutsches Land marschieren wir - 1:42
276 - Amapola - 1:02
275 - Friedrich Hecker - 0:53
275 - Deutsche Hymne / Land der ewigen Gedanken - 1:17
272 - The Memphis Blues / Mr. Crump - 1:38
272 - As I walked out in the streets of Laredo - 1:01
272 - My love she was fair / All Around my Hat - 0:39
271 - Just a Wee Deoch an Doris - 0:53
271 - God Bless America - 1:58
271 - The minstrel boy to the war is gone - 2:03
271 - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful / Adeste, fideles / Herbei, o ihr Gläubigen - 1:07
270 - Muß i' denn zum Städtele hinaus / Wooden Heart - 2:38
270 - A la Orilla del Mar - 1:11
270 - Alfonsina y el Mar - 0:44
270 - Bony M. medley of Mary's Little Boy Child - 1:49
269 - Alle Vögel sind schon da - 1:52
269 - An der schönen blauen Donau so blau / Blue Danube / blaue Donau - 1:37
269 - Aura Lea / When the blackbird in the spring - 1:06
268 - Edelweiß / Edelweiss - 1:26
268 - Wolgalied - 2:19
267 - Das Kufsteiner Lied / Kennst du die Perle Tirols. - 2:17
267 - Erlkönig / Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind / O who rides by night thro' - 2:20
267 - Afton Water / Flow Gently Sweet Afton - 0:58
266 - Acres of Clams / I've wandered all over the country - 0:51
264 - Around Her Neck She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - 1:00
263 - A Man You Don't Meet Every Day / O my name is Jock Stewart - 0:35
262 - Index of Resources for History African Studies, Ancient Egypt . . . - 2:44
262 - Du du liegst mir am Herzen / Tu tu in mea mente / You you are in my heart always - 1:45
259 - Las Mañanitas - 2:25
258 - Gegen Briten und Franzosen / Als Soldaten Adolf Hitlers - 1:19
258 - A Drop of Brandy-O / The Landlady of France - 0:47
258 - I once had a comrade named Arthur McBride / Arthur McBride - 1:02
258 - Las Mañanitas Del Rey David - 2:26
257 - Mañanitas Tapatías / Que linda esta la manana - 2:26
256 - Das Fliegerlied / Vom Nordpol bis zum Südpol / Flieger grüß mir die Sonne - 2:07
256 - Believe me, if all those endearing young charms - 2:38
256 - The Black Velvet Band - 1:56
256 - O, the work was hard and the wages low / Time to Leave Her / Across the Western - 0:43
255 - Sloop John B / We come on the sloop John B. - 2:37