The Top International Choices for January 99

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4170 - Frank's Ancestors
2723 - Contributions / Beiträge
2676 - Santa Lucia
1919 - 150 Midi and Lyric Links
1849 - Ferienzeug
1545 - Vacation Stuff
1535 - Title Searches
1287 - Die Biene Maja
1278 - A few links / Ein paar Verweise
1189 - Blödsinn / Balderdash
1183 - Auld Lang Syne
1154 - Amazing Grace
1100 - Lili Marlen'
1000 - Ave Maria (Schubert)
997 - There's Whiskey in the Jar
959 - Greensleeves
958 - Die Fahne hoch
954 - Ave Maria (Bach)
948 - All Through the Night / In stiller Nacht
941 - Jerusalem
923 - The Ash Grove
917 - Ay, Soledad
894 - A Frog He Would A Wooing Go
881 - Loreley
865 - Alexanders Ragtime Band
848 - Alfonsina y el Mar
847 - Coulter's Candy
847 - Alouette, gentille Alouette
837 - Alle Jahre wieder
834 - Annie Laurie
832 - A Drop of Brandy-O
827 - The Queen's Own Regiment
827 - A Nation Once Again!
821 - Frère Jaques
821 - A Man's A Man For A' That
817 - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
817 - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
816 - America Medley
814 - A Man You Don't Meet Every Day
813 - The Hieland Laddie
811 - An Irishman's Epistle
808 - The Dark Isle
806 - A Pair of Brown Eyes
806 - Abdulla Bulbul Ameer
803 - Heil Hitler Dir!
803 - A lady fair in a garden walkin'
798 - America, the Beautiful
796 - A la Orilla del Mar
796 - A Trun sut igl ischi
796 - Airmen's Prayer
795 - Haidschi Bumbaidschi
795 - À la claire fontaine
791 - The Streets of Laredo
788 - Adelita
788 - Ain't Misbehavin'
785 - Amapola
783 - Adeste, fideles
782 - Flow gently, sweet Afton
780 - New York Girls
780 - Lochnagar
780 - Blow Bullies Blow
780 - The Band Played On
780 - All My Trials
778 - Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott
777 - And who are you, me pretty fair maid
773 - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
772 - An Lile ba léir é ba linn an lá
770 - Aires Vascos
770 - The Sailor's Alphabet
768 - A Long Time Ago
768 - Aura Lea
768 - A Wee Deoch an Doris
768 - Arthur McBride
768 - All Around my Hat
767 - Amor
767 - Across the Western Ocean
765 - A Teardrop Fell
764 - Oacute;ró sé do Bheatha Abhaile
762 - Alma Llanera
762 - Alma, Corazón y Vida
759 - Grá geal mo Chroí
757 - Aai, aai, die Witborskraai
757 - Amorcito Corazon
757 - Ansiedad
757 - Ar lan y môr
757 - The Battle of Harlaw
757 - The Dark-Eyed Sailor
757 - Away, Rio!
755 - The Oak and the Ash
755 - A Letter to Tom
754 - Amalia
754 - The Bonny Labouring Boy
754 - As I roved out on a bright May morning
752 - Lob der edlen Musika
752 - The Sporting Races of Galway
752 - Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein
751 - Adoro
751 - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr'
749 - Ah! si mon moine voulait danser!
749 - The Green Bushes
749 - Clementine
749 - Acres of Clams
747 - A Rafael de León
747 - As I walked out on an evening so clear
746 - Algo Contigo
746 - Youghal Harbour
746 - At twenty-one I first begun
744 - Afrikaners is plesierig
742 - Así es mi Granada
742 - Ach, wie groß ist deine Gnade
741 - The Piper's Tunes
741 - Ladies of Brisbane
739 - A Trace Boy on Ligoniel Hill
737 - La Aurora
736 - Ameneci en tus brazos
736 - The Mantle so Green
734 - Au bord de la forêt
734 - The Maid with the Bonny Brown Hair
733 - After the Ball Is Over
733 - Haul Away, Joe
731 - Admiral Benbow
729 - Acongójame
729 - Kerry Recruit
729 - Arkansas Traveler
729 - All for Jesus
728 - Weel May the Keel Row
728 - Abend wird es wieder
726 - Acurrúcame
726 - Skye Boat Song
726 - All the Way My Savior Leads Me
726 - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
724 - Agua del Pozo
724 - Alabama John Cherokee
723 - Aanstap rooies
723 - Around Cape Horn
721 - Amelia
721 - Al Clarear
720 - Anchieta
718 - The Fire Ship
718 - Wo willst du hin, weil's Abend ist
716 - Am Brunnen vor dem Tore
716 - Automne
716 - Ali está o Senhor Padilha
716 - Across the Shades of Night
715 - A Little of What You Fancy
715 - All Glory be to God on High
715 - In a Lowly Manger Born
713 - Al lê die berge nog so blou
711 - Alicantina
711 - All Things Are Quite Silent
711 - Amoríos en el Molino
711 - Draw Us to Thee
710 - As I await my Love
710 - All Your Anxiety
710 - Savior, When in Dust to Thee
710 - Where Wilt Thou Go Since Night Draws Near
708 - Al clarear
708 - An Outlandish Knight
706 - Jesu, meines Lebens Leben
705 - Little Mohee or Indian Lass
705 - Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid
705 - Der Bräut'gam wird bald rufen
702 - Always the Bridesmaid
702 - Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes
702 - Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide
702 - The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
700 - Bis hierher hat mich Gott gebracht
700 - Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
700 - O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold
695 - Any Old Iron
695 - Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures
693 - Muß i' denn zum Städtele hinaus
692 - The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto
690 - The Irish Rover
680 - The Big Rock Candy Mountain
680 - What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor
679 - The Man Who Broke the Bank At Monte Carlo
675 - Bill Bailey
669 - Du, du liegst mir am Herzen
661 - Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen
646 - The Story of MacPherson's Lament
643 - Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
640 - Ännchen von Tharau
640 - Bonnie Lass of Fyfie
638 - John Brown's body
633 - Wir lagen vor Madagaskar
630 - Heidenröslein
630 - Yankee Doodle Dandy
628 - The Leaving of Liverpool
625 - Ah, you the wide steppe
625 - When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again
620 - Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust
620 - Wenn alle Brünnlein fließen
615 - In einem kühlen Grunde
615 - Jump Down Turn Around
610 - Michael Row the Boat Ashore
609 - Ach Elslein, liebes Elslein mein
609 - Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär'
609 - Down by the Riverside
607 - Blow the Man Down
605 - Barrett's Privateers
605 - Go, Tell It On The Mountain
602 - Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho
597 - Ins Heu
596 - Der Tod von Basel
594 - Lustig, lustig ihr lieben Brüder
594 - Rosestock, Holderblüt
591 - Liebe macht den Menschen dumm
591 - Chevaliers de la table ronde
589 - Paddy Doyle
586 - Maybe it's Because I'm a Londoner
586 - Sally Brown
584 - Wer recht in Freuden Wandern will
584 - Deep River
582 - Lang, lang ist’s her
582 - Nun ade du mein lieb' Heimatland
582 - Am Eisengitter
582 - Wohlauf ihr Wandersleut
581 - Stehn zwei Stern am hohen Himmel
581 - Knees up Mother Brown
581 - Sur le pont d'Avignon
579 - He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
578 - Es wollt' ein Mädchen früh aufstehn
571 - The Bonnie Earl Of Moray
566 - En passant par la Lorraine
565 - Phyllis und die Mutter
560 - Rolling Home

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