The Top International Choices for December 98

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Oct Nov Dec 1997 Jan 1998 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

4,617 - Frank's Ancestors/Ahnen
4,230 - 150 Midi & Lyric Links
2,887 - Stille Nacht / Silent Night
2,625 - Contributions/Beiträge
1,750 - Ferienzeug
1,685 - Holiday Stuff
1,474 - A Few Links of Interest
1,240 - Adeste, fideles
1,166 - Alle Jahre wieder
1,107 - O Tannenbaum
872 - The Twelve Days of Christmas
862 - Die Fahne hoch
844 - Stille Nacht/Silent Night Notes/Partituren
836 - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
827 - Blödsinn/Profound Balderdash
806 - Jingle Bells
791 - Currency Exchange/Devisenkurs
785 - O Holy Night
737 - Amazing Grace
720 - Cantique de Noel
683 - Mary's Little Boy Child
642 - Ave, Maria Schubert
603 - Deutschland über alles
597 - Mabune / In a Lowly Manger Born
583 - Greensleeves
581 - Ave Maria Bach
578 - Ay, Soledad
572 - Lili Marlen
571 - Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein
568 - Ach, wie groß ist deine Gnade
560 - All the Way My Savior Leads Me
555 - All for Jesus
555 - All Glory be to God on High
552 - Abend wird es wieder
550 - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr'
550 - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
545 - All Your Anxiety
540 - Across the Shades of Night
540 - O Helga Natt
529 - Jesu, meines Lebens Leben
525 - Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen
522 - The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
521 - The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto
520 - Savior, When in Dust to Thee
520 - Where Wilt Thou Go Since Night Draws Near
519 - Draw Us to Thee
519 - Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes
518 - Bis hierher hat mich Gott gebracht
518 - Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide
518 - Wo willst du hin, weil's Abend ist
517 - Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid
517 - O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold
516 - Der Bräut'gam wird bald rufen
515 - Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures
506 - Banks o' Loch Lomond
489 - Ave Maria Latin
487 - There's Whiskey in the Jar
485 - Fröhliche Weinacht! Überall
473 - International Web Pages on "Silent Night"
463 - International Telephone Books
459 - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
458 - Oh Happy Day
448 - Jerusalem
446 - Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann
440 - Wanted Songs/Gesuchte Lieder
436 - Hit Parade/This Page/Diese Seite
418 - Panzerlied
416 - Besame mucho
416 - Good King, Wenceslas
415 - Cielito lindo
413 - The Blue Bells of Scotland
410 - Heil Hitler Dir
409 - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
403 - O Tannenbaum
400 - The Little Drummer Boy
400 - I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
395 - Laßt uns froh und munter sein
395 - Canta, rie, bebe
394 - 1944
388 - Alte Kameraden auf dem Marsch
388 - All Through the Night
382 - Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
382 - Leise rieselt der Schnee
381 - The Ash Grove
378 - Annie Laurie
377 - Black Velvet Band
376 - A Frog He Would A Wooing Go
375 - Frère Jaques
373 - Ballad of Glencoe
368 - The British Grenadiers
367 - A Nation Once Again
366 - Battle Hymn of the Republic
365 - Lorelei
361 - Alouette
359 - An der schönen blauen Donau
359 - O, du fröhliche
358 - One summer evening drunk to hell
357 - Hallelujah Chorus
354 - A Lady Fair
353 - America, the Beautiful
353 - The Queen's Own Regiment was their name
353 - What's New / Neue Lieder
350 - Coulter's Candy
349 - A Man's A Man For A' That
348 - Adelita
347 - À la claire fontaine
343 - Oh, my name is Jock Stewart
341 - Alexander's Ragtime Band
341 - Alfonsina y el Mar
341 - Santa Lucia
338 - Scotland the Brave
335 - Who helped/Wer geholfen hat
335 - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
333 - O Weihnachtsmann
333 - An Irishman's Epistle
332 - Nationalhymne der DDR
332 - America Medley
332 - Barbara Allen
332 - Pilot Divine
331 - Haidschi Bumbaidschi
331 - A Trun sut igl ischi
328 - A Drop of Brandy-O
325 - A la Orilla del Mar
324 - The Dark Isle
324 - Bonnie Charlie's now awa'
318 - Barrett's Privateers
317 - Flow gently, sweet Afton
316 - Big Rock Candy Mountain
310 - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
308 - Bill Bailey
307 - All Around my Hat
306 - The Band Played On
305 - Guantanamera
305 - Gloria in excelsis deo
304 - A Long Time Ago
302 - And who are you, me pretty fair maid
302 - Bella ciao
301 - Arthur McBride
299 - Blow the Man Down
299 - Abdulla Bulbul Ameer
299 - Bonnie Lass of Fyfie
297 - Amapola
297 - The Hieland Laddie
297 - Bella Bimba
297 - O Danny Boy
296 - The Sailor's Alphabet
296 - Lochnagar
296 - Go, Tell It On The Mountain
295 - Beautiful Dreamer
294 - Basura
294 - Bonnie Doon
293 - All My Trials
292 - The Sporting Races of Galway
291 - Bonnie Dundee
290 - Bajuschki baju
289 - Der Wasserfall
289 - Aura Lea
289 - The Streets of Laredo
289 - Bard of Armagh
289 - Bold Robert Emmet
289 - Battle O Falkirk
288 - Aai, aai, die Witborskraai
288 - Blow Bullies Blow
287 - Alle Jahre wieder
287 - An Lile ba léir é
287 - Brennan on the Moor
287 - Waltzing Matilda
285 - Amor
285 - The Dark-Eyed Sailor
285 - Dafydd y Garreg Wen
284 - Alma Llanera
284 - The Oak and the Ash
284 - Bonnie Blue Flag
283 - The Battle of Harlaw
283 - Beer Barrel Polka
283 - Óró sé do Bheatha Abhaile
283 - Across the Western Ocean
282 - Ar lan y môr
282 - The Bonny Labouring Boy
282 - As I roved out on a bright May morning
280 - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
280 - New York Girls
280 - Kerry Recruit
280 - Believe me, if all those endearing young charms
280 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
279 - A Teardrop Fell
279 - Boys of Kilkenny
277 - Úna bhán
276 - Amorcito Corazon
276 - Youghal Harbour
273 - Ansiedad
272 - Ein lustger Musikante marschierte am Nil
272 - A Rafael de León
271 - Ah! si mon moine voulait danser!
271 - Ain't Misbehavin'
271 - Grá geal mo Chroí
271 - Admiral Benbow
270 - A B C, die Katze lief in'n Schnee
270 - Adoro
270 - A Trace Boy on Ligoniel Hill
270 - Acres of Clams
269 - The Maid with the Bonny Brown Hair
269 - The Mantle so Green
269 - O Canada
268 - The Piper's Tunes
268 - Hino à Bandeira
267 - Land of Hope and Glory
267 - Kommet, ihr Hirten
266 - At Twenty One
265 - Afrikaners is plesierig
264 - God save the King/Queen
264 - Bonnie George Campbell
263 - Duo am Waldrand
263 - Bold O'Donahue
262 - Bless 'em All
262 - Boston City
262 - Alabama John Cherokee
262 - Bells of Rhymney
261 - A Letter to Tom
261 - Bonny Green Osireo
260 - Alma, Corazón y Vida
260 - La Cucaracha
259 - As I Walked Out
259 - The Green Bushes
259 - Ladies of Brisbane
258 - Bridget Flynn
257 - Agua del Pozo
257 - Weel May the Keel Row
257 - The Bonny Bunch of Roses
257 - Ali está o Senhor Padilha
256 - Aires Vascos
256 - Amalia
256 - Arkansas Traveler
254 - Algo Contigo
254 - La Aurora
254 - Botany Bay
254 - Away, Rio
253 - Acongójame
253 - Bergenssangen
252 - Ameneci en tus brazos
251 - Ben Hall
251 - Barring of the Door
251 - Balladen om Herr Rosenbloms spelemän
251 - We Wish You a Merry Christmas
251 - We Three Kings
250 - Aanstap rooies
250 - Así es mi Granada

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