The Top International Choices for March 99

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Oct Nov Dec 1997 Jan 1998 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 1999

4,166 - Franks Family Tree
2,346 - Contributions / Beiträge
2,234 - Santa Lucia / Sul mare luccica / Schön glänzt das Mondenlicht
1,805 - 150 International Midi & Lyric Links
1,669 - Ferien am Meer
1,503 - Pacific Holiday
1,242 - Die Fahne hoch / Horst Wessel Lied / Horst Wessellied
1,170 - A Few interesting Links / Ein paar interesanteVerweise
1,140 - Lili Marlen'
1,085 - Amazing Grace how sweet the sound / O Miorbhail gràis! nach breagh'an ceòl;
1,069 - Blödsinn und Weisheit, Profound Balderdash
1,007 - Gilgarra Mountain / As I was a-goin' over Gilgarra Mountain
980 - Should auld acquaintance be forgot / Auld Lang Syne
967 - Ave, Maria Maiden mild oh listen to a maiden's prayer
959 - Currency exchange rates / Geldwechsel Wechselkurs Geldkurs
865 - Ave, Maria!
835 - Sleep my child and peace attend thee / All Through the Night / Ar hyd y nos / I
830 - A Nation once again! / When boyhood's fire was in my blood
823 - Die Lorelei / Die Loreley / Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten / Ignoro, quid
822 - Alas, my love, you do me wrong / Greensleeves
781 - Das Lied der Deutschen / Deutschland über alles
778 - A lady fair in a garden walkin'
775 - Haidschi bumbaidschi
774 - One Summer Evening drunk to hell / A Pair of Brown Eyes
773 - The Ash Grove /
771 - By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes / Banks o' Loch Lomond
769 - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
757 - A Man You Don't Meet Every Day / O my name is Jock Stewart
756 - Jerusalem / And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time
748 - Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar / Skye Boat Song
747 - A Frog He Would A Wooing Go
744 - By my faith but I think ye're all makers of bulls / An Irishman's Epistle
743 - Alouette, gentille Alouette
741 - Alexander's Ragtime Band
741 - Frère Jaques / Bruder Jakob / Are you sleeping Brother John /
735 - Abdulla Bulbul Ameer / The sons of the prophet were hardy and bold
713 - Alle Jahre wieder / Aus dem Himmel ferne
712 - And who are you, me pretty fair maid
709 - Ally, bally, ally bally bee / Coulter's Candy
709 - I once had a comrade named Arthur McBride / Arthur McBride
707 - As mists of the evening creep over the hill / The Dark Isle
705 - My love she was fair / All Around my Hat
699 - The Queen's Own Regiment / A Fenian Song
698 - Am Brunnen vor dem Tore / Tilia
697 - Du, du liegst mir am Herzen / Tu, tu in mea mente / You, you are in my heart alw
696 - Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott / Vår Gud är oss en väldig borg
695 - Is there, for honest poverty / A Man's A Man For A'That
694 - Max Welton's braes (hills) are bonnie / Annie Laurie
688 - Just a Wee Deoch an Doris
688 - Muß i' denn zum Städtele hinaus / Wooden Heart
687 - Afton Water / Flow Gently Sweet Afton
684 - As I roved out thro' Galway town / The Sporting Races of Galway
682 - As I came o'er the Cairney Mount / The Hieland Laddie / The Highland Laddie
682 - As I walked out in the streets of Laredo
681 - Airmen's Prayer / Pilot divine and Lord of all on high
679 - America, the Beautiful / Battle Hymn of the Republic / God Bless
679 - As I roved out on a bright May morning
678 - America, the Beautiful
678 - Oh my darling Clementine / In a cavern, in a canyon
678 - Óró sé do Bheatha Abhaile / An Dórd Fianna
677 - A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
674 - As I rov'd thro' the town / The Piper's Tunes
669 - As I rov'd out one ev'ning fair / The Dark-Eyed Sailor
666 - A Trun sut igl ischi
663 - Adelita
663 - As I roved out one morning / The Bonny Labouring Boy
660 - A Drop of Brandy-O / The Landlady of France
660 - À la claire fontaine
660 - At the foot of Newry mountain / Grá geal mo Chroí
660 - Do ye mind the old horse / A Trace Boy on Ligoniel Hill
660 - Ho brotherTeague, Dost hear de decree / Lilliburlero / An Lile ba léir é ba linn
658 - As I roved out on a summer's morning / Youghal Harbour
658 - Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses / Lochnagar
657 - My father was a gentleman / MacPherson's Lament
656 - Ain't Misbehavin'
655 - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful / Adeste, fideles / Herbei, o ihr Gläubigen
654 - Alfonsina y el Mar
654 - Ännchen von Tharau
654 - At the age of nineteen, I was ploughin' the land / Kerry Recruit
651 - As I cam in by Dunidier / The Battle of Harlaw
648 - As I went out walking one morning in June / The Mantle so Green
648 - Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen
648 - There once was a troop of Irish dragoons / Bonnie Lass of Fyfie
646 - As I walked out on an evening so clear
644 - Ay, Soledad / Iban muchachos desnudos
643 - Alma Llanera
640 - Ar lan y môr mae rhosynnau cochion / Down by the sea red roses are blooming
638 - Amapola
638 - At twenty-one I first begun / At Twenty One
637 - A teardrop fell upon my hand
637 - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr'
636 - As once I roved out very early / The Maid with the Bonny Brown Hair
634 - And The Band Played On / Casey would waltz with a strawberry blonde
634 - Around Her Neck She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
631 - In einem kühlen Grunde / Dort unten in der Mühle / In frigida convalle rota mola
629 - Ach, wie groß ist deine Gnade
629 - Aura Lea / When the blackbird in the spring
626 - Ein lustger Musikante marschierte am Nil / Lob der edlen Musika / Dum laetus cit
626 - Heidenröslein
626 - O, the work was hard and the wages low / Time to Leave Her / Across the Western
624 - Won't you come home, Bill Bailey
623 - Chevaliers de la table ronde / Les amis de la table ronde
623 - In a lowly manger born / Mabune
622 - Aai, aai, die Witborskraai
621 - A Yankee ship comes down the river / Blow Bullies Blow
621 - Around Cape Horn we've got to go / Around Cape Horn
618 - A North Country maid up to London had strayed / The Oak and the Ash
618 - All my trials / If religion was a thing that money could buy
618 - Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
617 - Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
616 - A la Orilla del Mar
615 - A is the anchor that holds a bold ship / The Sailor's Alphabet
612 - Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein
612 - Arkansas Traveler / Oh once upon a time in Arkansas
611 - As I was a walking one morning in May / The Green Bushes
610 - After the Ball Is Over
610 - All the Way My Savior Leads Me
610 - Au clair de la lune
609 - Ach Elslein, liebes Elslein mein
609 - Afrikaners is plesierig
609 - Deutschland erwache / Heil Hitler Dir / Sachsenmarsch der NSDAP / Wir sind die K
609 - Ladies of Brisbane / Farewell and adieu To you, sweet Brisbane ladies
608 - Come all ye seamen bold, and draw near / Admiral Benbow
606 - Ins Heu / Ha Ha Ha / Es hatte ein Bauer ein schönes Weib
606 - Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho
605 - Abend wird es wieder
605 - Duo am Waldrand / Au bord de la forêt
603 - Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust
603 - Havah Nagilah
603 - Wir lagen vor Madagaskar
602 - A long, long time, and a long time ago
602 - All for Jesus
602 - Der Tod von Basel / Als ich ein Junggeselle war
601 - Away, haul away / Haul Away, Joe
601 - The anchor is weighed, and the sails they are set / Away, Rio!
599 - Acurrúcame
599 - Down by the Riverside
598 - Ah si mon moine voulait danser
595 - An Outlandish Knight
595 - As I came thro' Sandgate / Weel May the Keel Row
595 - Go, tell it on the mountain
595 - He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
594 - Acres of Clams / I've wandered all over the country
594 - Así es mi Granada
593 - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
593 - Wenn alle Brünnlein fließen
592 - Algo Contigo
592 - All Glory be to God on High
592 - John Cherokee was an Indian man / Alabama John Cherokee
591 - Aanstap rooies Die pad is lank en swaar
591 - Adoro la calle en que nos vimos
590 - A Letter to Tom / I've wandered by the village Tom
589 - Across the Shades of Night
589 - As I walked down the Broadway / New York Girls
588 - A Rafael de León
586 - Ansiedad de tenerte en mis brazos
586 - Àõ òû, ñòåïü øèðîêàÿ / Ah, you the wide Steppe / Ah ty, step' shirokaya
586 - The Big Rock Candy Mountain
585 - Ali está o Senhor Padilha
585 - Alma, Corazón y Vida
585 - Amorcito Corazon
584 - Al lê die berge nog so blou
584 - Amor, amor, amor nacio de ti, nacio de mi
583 - Alicantina
583 - All Things Are Quite Silent, each mortal at rest
583 - La Aurora
581 - All Your Anxiety
581 - I always hold in having it, if you fancy it / A little of what you fancy does yo
578 - Michael Row the Boat Ashore
576 - As I strolled out one evening / The Fire Ship
576 - Automne / Col chiques dans les prés fleurissent
575 - Al clarear, yo me iré
574 - Al Clarear
574 - Amelia
573 - Deep River, My Home Is Over Jordan
573 - Der Bräut'gam wird bald rufen
573 - Es wollt' ein Mädchen früh aufstehn
572 - Amalia
572 - Ameneci en tus brazos / Amaneci otra vez
572 - Draw Us to Thee
572 - Sur le pont d'Avignon
571 - Acongójame
571 - Addio la caserma
571 - Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures Sing
571 - Jesu, meines Lebens Leben
571 - Lang, lang ist's her
571 - Savior, When in Dust to Thee
571 - Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär' / Wär' ich ein Brünnlein klar / Wär' ich ein Röslein f
570 - As I was a-walkin' upon a fine day / Little Mohee or Indian Lass
570 - The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
569 - Aires Vascos
569 - Amoríos en el Molino
568 - Agua del Pozo
568 - Anchieta
568 - Ja lustig, lustig ihr lieben Brüder
566 - Bis hierher hat mich Gott gebracht
566 - Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes
565 - Always the Bridesmaid
565 - Knees up Mother Brown
565 - Stehe ich am Eisengitter
565 - Wo willst du hin, weil's Abend ist
564 - O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold
563 - Any Old Iron
563 - Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid
562 - As I await my Love
562 - Roll, Jordan, Roll
562 - The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto
561 - Phyllis und die Mutter / Ihren Schäfer zu erwarten
561 - Wer recht in Freuden Wandern will
560 - Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide
560 - The Man Who Broke the Bank At Monte Carlo
559 - Yankee Doodle Dandy / Confederate Parody of
558 - Liebe macht den Menschen dumm / Sie ging zum Sonntagstanze
557 - Rosestock, Holderblüt
556 - When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again
556 - Where Wilt Thou Go Since Night Draws Near
554 - Maybe it's Because I'm a Londoner
546 - En passant par la Lorraine
546 - Stehn zwei Stern am hohen Himmel
546 - Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht / Silent Night, Holy Night / Sancta nox, placida nox
545 - Wohlauf ihr Wandersleut
532 - Nellie Dean / There's an old mill by the stream
516 - Molly Malone / In Dublin's fair city

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